Presentation of the Women Parliamentary Network in Nis (VIDEO)
The Women’s Parliamentary Network urges the Serbian media to report on the visits of all the Serbian Parliamentary delegations objectively and truthfully as befits the institution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
On 5 and 6 April, the National Assembly House hosted a seminar for the members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network, as part of the Women for Democracy and Equality programme realised by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia and Finnish Embassy in the Republic of Serbia.
A National Assembly delegation comprising 20 women MPs, members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network, and the Chairman of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality, Meho Omerovic, took part in a study visit to the Finnish Parliament, from 14 to 17 May 2013.
Women MPs and members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network at the National Assembly held a press conference today to mark 8 March – International Women’s Day.