Women’s Parliamentary Network Meets with UK Parliamentary Delegation

MP Aleksandra Jerkov, WPN coordinator, briefed the delegation on the WPN’s activities and scope, stressing that gender responsive budgeting has become part of the Budget Law and Budget System Law in Serbia thanks to the Network’s efforts. She also said that the WPN has achieved significant results most notably by helping amend the Criminal Code and eliminate the statute of limitation for sexual abuse of minors.
Jerkov said that the WPN is a good model, one which other countries should embrace in the effort to empower and involve women in social and political life.
WPN members Tatjana Macura, Sanda Raskovic Ivic, Dijana Vukomanovic, Natasa Mihailovic Vacic and Marija Jevdjic took part in the ensuing discussion.
The MPs briefed the guests on the WPN’s scope, sharing their hope that the gender equality law would soon enter Assembly procedure. The gender equality law would, among other things, call for more women in the parliament and in the executive, and it would require a gender analysis of every law that finds its way before the MPs.
They said the fact that the National Assembly is 30% women though significant remains insufficient for the adoption of laws which would significantly improve the status of women. That is why WPN agreed that they must stand united, their work must be transparent, and despite differing political views they should champion the same causes such as healthcare for women and the family, combating violence against women and children, economic empowerment of women and increased participation of women in political and public life.
The WPN members agreed that they should concentrate their efforts with both state bodies and NGOs concerning human trafficking and concluded that the rising interest in the topic points that they would urge for an efficient legislative framework for the area.
John Whittingdale, member the House of Commons heading the UK delegation, commended the WPN’s work, stressing that it is an excellent model which other countries should adopt.
The members of the UK Parliamentary delegation said that next year’s summit of Western Balkan countries in London is the right place to voice all the problems women are faced with in the political and social life in Serbia.

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