Stefana Miladinovic, member of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality and coordinator of the Women’s Parliamentary Network, is taking part in the Regional Conference on Eliminating and Combating Domestic Violence and All Forms of Violence against Women and Girls, organised by the UNDP Office and UN Women in Skopje, on 30 September and 1 October 2014.
The Conference aims to raise awareness on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, as well as exchange experiences and create a forum for dialogue between the representatives of the government and civil society organisations in the countries of Southeast Europe.
Stefana Miladinovic informed the participants of the Conference on the experiences and activities preceding the ratification of the Convention by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, as well as future plans as regards its implementation. The participants were also addressed by representatives of the Macedonian Parliament and Government, as well as a representative of the Council of Europe.
In addition to Serbia, the Conference was also attended by representatives of the parliaments and civil society organisations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Turkey.